Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dear Beckett, you're 15 months old...

Dear Beckett,

Boy oh boy, the changes in your life over the last three months are crazy! Of course, the biggest is that we moved from Ohio to Florida. I was worried about how you'd do with the move, but I shouldn't have spent one second worrying about that. You've done fabulously! No disruption in your sleeping, your eating, or even in your happy personality. It's like you wanted to live in Florida all along.

The move itself wasn't quite so problem-free, though. You are no longer a fan of being held or confined to a stroller. You were AWFUL in the airport while waiting for our flight. Screaming, writhing, throwing yourself around. Grandma Jo tried to take you for a walk with your leash on, and that didn't make you much happier. Fortunately, it was getting close to flight time, so I ran to the bathroom to change you, you screaming the whole time. You fought me so much, we missed pre-boarding on our flight. Sigh.

But the best was yet to come. As I said, you are no longer a fan of being held. Which includes on airplanes. The only way I could get you to sit still was to give you a bottle. And another. And another. About 1.5 hours into the flight (and only 2 hours after your last diaper change), I felt something running down my leg. I knew I hadn't wet myself, so I look down. You'd peed so much from all those bottles that it was leaking out of your diaper, pooling in my skirt, and then running down my leg. On a booked flight. During the prep for landing when you are not allowed to get out of your seat. Fun times, I tell ya! I will pay you back for that one someday.

However, once we got to Florida, you've been a joy (for the most part). I went from working full-time to being home with you full-time, and while it's been an adjustment, being with you all day, every day makes me very happy.

You quickly learned how to stay afloat with your swim floaties on. You just hang on in the water, floating with your ankles crossed and chilling out. It's hilarious to watch you do that! You really are a natural swimmer. You kick your feet and paddle your arms and manage to get all around the pool on your own.

These past few months have been full of milestones as well. You've popped through two molars. You said your first word, and Aunt Ingrid was there to witness it. You held your spoon over the side of your tray, looked me straight in the eye, grinned as big as you could, and sweetly said, javascript:void(0)"Uh oh" as you purposely dropped your spoon. Quite charming, my dear son. Quite charming. You definitely do things for reactions!

You got your first hair cut and went from shaggy infant to little boy. Sigh...

You are also consistently saying, "Mama" and "Dada", and while we can't say for sure, it certainly sounds like you repeat a lot of things we say. Daddy swore you said "swimming" the other day. You definitely say "no" and shake your head when you say it. And you shake that head with some oomph. Speaking of, you also speak a little Russian, because "nyet" seems to be your favorite word. Bilingual already...

You are eating really well with a fork and a spoon, and you prefer that I not cut your food into little bites. You are slowly giving up your dependence on the bottle, but you still definitely find it very soothing. We're down to 1 or 2 bottles per day. I'm slowly working towards zero, but honestly, they make you so happy that I'm not pushing too hard. I love seeing how content you are while playing with your hair and drinking your bottle. Babying you isn't the end of the world, right? You are, in fact, my little boy.

One of the funniest things these past few months has been your new love of your yellow bucket. It's just this plain yellow bucket, but you sure love it! You want to hold it while you play, eat, sleep, have your bottle. You take it everywhere with you. And if you can't find your yellow bucket, you'll find some other yellow toy - a block, a teacup, anything that is yellow. I think it's safe to say you've already got a favorite color! Elise loves to find your yellow bucket for you, and she always makes sure you have it before you go to bed. She is such a good big sister to you.

Your happy grin and sweet personality make us all smile every day. I hope that I can bring you the same amount of joy that you bring into my life every day. You are certainly a light in our lives, and I hope it shines brighter and brighter every day of your life. I love you, Mommy

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