Saturday, May 15, 2010

Dear Elise, you're 30 months old...

Dear Elise,

2.5 years are growing up before my very eyes! I swear, sometimes you go to bed, and by morning, you've changed, grown up just a bit more, gotten a bit taller, speak a tad clearer. It's truly amazing.

The biggest thing in our lives these past three months is that your dad has been traveling for work. First, he was just gone during the week to Youngstown, so you still got to see him on the weekends. But then he started traveling to Florida, and you've only seen him once in an entire month. I'm not sure who it's harder on - him or you. I know he misses you terribly, but you also light up when you get to talk to him on the phone or see him. Thankfully, this is all for a good cause, as it's paving the way for our move to Florida, and hopefully, a great new start for us.

While he's been gone, however, you got a cold and weren't feeling well, so in a moment of "I need to sleep in order to function," I decided to let you sleep with me. That was a bad idea. One of the worst I've ever had. Let's just say, I was sleep-deprived already. Basically, I undid all the hard work we did of getting you to sleep in your own bed. Because you will. not. sleep in your own bed. However, I'll deny this if you ever tell anyone, but I really enjoy cuddling with you when you are sweetly sleeping. But you do need to sleep in your own bed. Sigh.

But onto more fun things. As it has the past few months, your vocabulary continues to explode. You are speaking full-on sentences regularly. You amaze me with words and things I had no idea you even knew. You are not yet potty-trained (yes, I know I said we were discussing more fun things, maybe I should have said other milestones); you'll use the potty regularly as long as it does not involve a bowel movement. No, ma'am, those are reserved for diapers. Just remember this when I am old and feeble, and you are tempted to complain about what a pain in the butt I am to take care of!

One of the things I am most proud of is you are a very polite and helpful child. You always say, "please" and "thank you," and your babysitter, Deb, calls you her "little helper." You love to help take care of other kids, especially the babies; I was like this as a child as well, so I am doubly happy to see it in you. I do try really hard at home to make sure I am not expecting too much of you - you are indeed only 2.5 years old, but sometimes, you are just so helpful that it's hard to remember you are really still just a little girl. I don't want to make you grow up any faster than you already are.

My sweet girl, you continue to amaze me by just being you. You make me laugh with your silly sense of humor; you frustrate me with your stubbornness; and you bring tears to me eyes with your sweet and sassy spirit.

 I sometimes catch myself staring at you with amazement - amazement that you are mine, amazement at how amazing you are, and amazement that I get the privilege of being your mom every single day. I could not ask for more. I love you, Mommy.

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