Thursday, April 15, 2010

Dear Beckett, you're 1 year old!

Dear Beckett,

Your first year has come and gone so quickly. What a bittersweet feeling. With you being our second and last, the remnants of infancy are quickly leaving the house. No more swing, no more infant carrier, no more little blankets, and no more highchair. In the thick of it all, through sleepless nights, it seems like infancy will go on forever. But then you wake up one morning, and your littlest one is turning into a toddler, and you wonder how that happened. I'm really not sure, and while I will definitely miss all that came with you being a baby, your little personality is just exploding, making me miss the time gone by just a little less.

One of my favorite parts of your personality is how you learn to do things. You study them and study them, and once you've got it all figured out, you just do it. And do it right on the first try. You can climb the stairs, you can run, you can practically skip across the room, and you just learned to walk two months ago. I know I've said it before, you you certainly did not get that trait from me. Study something? Ha! Who has time for that? I know I'll definitely learn from you as you learn the world around you.

The other part of your personality that is just shining through is your charm. Oh, boy, are you a charmer! If you are going to do something you shouldn't be doing, like climbing the stairs, you head for the stairs and make sure someone is watching before you head up them. As soon as you catch someone's eye, you flash this huge grin and take off. It's like it's no fun to do it unless someone is watching you do it. I have a feeling this might spell trouble as you get older!

You've also turned into a flirt. You will go up to just about anyone and hold your arms up, asking to be picked up. You love to cuddle, and when you lay your head on my shoulder, you'll slyly turn your face towards mine and flash this little grin, just to let me know you can. And since you have one of the world's most adorable grins, it just melts my heart. I am going to have to be careful - you'll be able to get away with way more than you should with that grin!

Your last front bottom tooth finally came through, so now you have eight cute little teeth in front. No molars yet, but it doesn't slow you down on the food front. You love to eat, and unfortunately, you still love your bottles. I was hoping you'd be off them by the time you were one, but it just ain't happening. Your absolute favorite thing to do is to lay with your bottle in one hand and play with your hair with the other. It's definitely your way of relaxing and self-soothing. Just be thankful you are the second child, because the bottle doesn't bother me nearly as badly as it did with your sister. Despite what you might think as you grow up the little sibling, there are certain benefits to coming second.

Little boy, putting into words how much I love you is nearly impossible. My heart does a little jump for joy every time you grin at me. It also jumps for joy every time you cuddle me, or ask to be picked up, or even when you settle in on my lap for a bottle. Your first year was a joy to behold, and I am excited to see the world through your eyes as you grow from baby to toddler and beyond. My heart leaps for joy every time I think about it. I love you, Mommy

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