Sunday, November 15, 2009

Dear Beckett, you're 7 months old...

Dear Beckett,

My little man seems so grown up! You know why? You are sitting on your own. You went from pretty wobbily to darn steady overnight. The only time you fall over now is when Elise pushes you over. Fortunately, you find it amusing, even though I do not. I'm just waiting for the day when you push her back. I'm already reserving my ring-side seat.


You were baptized earlier this month, and it went perfectly. You didn't even make a peep when the priest poured water on your head. You even slept through most of mass. Such a little angel!

You had your 6 month check up a bit late, as it was really closer to 7 months. Late or not, you have chunked up. You are already over 20 lbs! That puts you in the 80th percentile for weight. And you aren't slacking in the height department either - you're 27.5" (70th percentile). If you recall, your sister is on the smaller side for her age, so remember that ring-side seat I reserved? I think I'm gonna need it sooner than later.


So, back to milestones. It's been quite the month for you. In addition to mastering sitting up on your own, you are also consistently rolling both ways, standing while hanging onto something for minutes at a time, and the best one? You are sleeping in your crib! WOOHOO! No more batteries! The swing died one night, and your dad and I decided that meant it was time to transition to your crib. It was so simple. You went right along with it with only the slightest of peeps.

Which leads me right into my next thought. You are such a mellow baby. Granted, you 'talk' a lot, and you can whine with the best of them. But in general, you are so laid-back and easy going. You are perfectly happy to stuff something in your mouth, sit on someone's (anyone's!) lap, and watch the action. However, I don't think this means you aren't going to get in the middle of the action, as you have perfected the art of scooting across the floor on your butt to get to whatever your sister is playing with. Once you are crawling (which you are trying really hard to do), Elise might not think you are so much fun, but for the moment, she loves to play with you. And you love her as well.

The other night, she was showing you how to use her little kiddie laptop. She kept taking your hand and helping you push the buttons, and you were both just giggling away. I can think of nothing better than listening to my children laugh and learn together, as they figure out the world together. I absolutely adore those moments.

And I adore you. You have brought such joy and happiness to our lives. Your smile is so huge and contagious - it's impossible to not smile right along with you. Keep on smiling, my dear son, and I will smile right along with you. I love you, Mommy

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