Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Three years ago today...

...Travis and I were trying to decide if we wanted to adopt a greyhound or not. The dog had come to visit our house the night before, and I was ready to become a doggie-mom. DH wasn't so sure this was the right dog for us, so we were going back and forth. I really, really, really wanted this dog.

I mentioned my period was late, but since I'd been on the pill for 8+ years, I wasn't overly concerned. Travis was - immediately. I took a test just to shut him up, so I could finish convincing him to adopt the dog.

Imagine my surprise when...

Maybe this picture reminds you of something.

We had lots of fun telling our parents. I told my mom we decided to wait and have a baby instead. She didn't get it at first, and when it did dawn on her a few seconds later, we both started crying. We went to Ellen's with our camera that had a picture of my positive pregnancy test on it. We told her there was a picture of her new grandchild on the camera. She, of course, was expecting to see a picture of the dog. Imagine her surprise when she saw POSITIVE!

It's been a wild three years. From expecting to have a dog to having two kids in less than two years instead, my only regret is I still want that dog! Someday...when I don't have two kids in diapers...when our lives are less hectic...when I can make the kids take it for a walk...someday.

1 comment:

  1. This made me cry. Thanks, Coopers. Thanks a lot. Now my co workers are looking at me strangely. More so that usual.
